Navigate your next life transition and gain clarity on your unique path to more aligned work.

Together we unveil the energetic blueprint of your soul's calling in alignment with your most authentic self, strengthening your creativity, confidence and authority so you can bring your vision to life.

Human Design is a holistic system of self-discovery that synthesizes ideas from ancient philosophies like astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, the chakra system, as well as concepts from quantum physics. Its primary purpose is to help individuals gain deeper self-awareness and understanding of their unique personality traits, talents, motivations, and life purpose so they can live and work in alignment with their true nature.

Human Design and Creative Strategy Sessions are designed to guide you towards your own inner knowing, strengthen your intuitive nudges and quantum leap you towards your next level of life.

  • Live 2 hour 1:1 session

  • Personal human design reading

  • Actionable strategy based on your design type, astrology, energy and unique vision to navigate your transition

  • 45-60 page custom guide, yours to keep and reference along your journey

During your session we look at your current reality vs. your desired reality and bridge the gap with an energetically aligned strategic plan based on your design and vision.

This includes a 45-60 page custom actionable guide, yours to keep and reference along your journey